My priorities are driven by what you, in your geographical area need. I want to support farmers families and workers first. I have a bottom-up approach. When I meet or hear from you, I want to listen and not talk most of the time. Your needs are my needs. Me or my representatives will ask probing questions so we can understand what you need


This is what I have heard so far.

  • Farming regulations must be simplified and driven by farmers and the respect for the land. Regulations should be enacted with the carrot and not the stick.
  • Food Inflation must be addressed. Methods must stop monopolies from price gouging and supply chain problems must be rectified.
  • Healthcare has at least 2 major problems.
    • Costs must be reduced. Everyone should be covered.
    • Many areas need more access. There must be a plan to get more medical practitioners to rural areas and in nursing homes. There is also a need for more EMTs in several areas.
  • Infrastructure must be upgraded and maintained. Many positive things have happened with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, providing needed services and jobs, but more needs to be done. Roads and bridges need to be maintained, high speed internet expanded, and the grid improved.
  • Workforce and Senior Housing must become more affordable.
  • Climate Change must be addressed. We need to continue research on EV and battery technology and harden our infrastructure to handle the problems we have already created.
  • Immigration must be addressed. We need a method to bring in the workers we need while maintain order on the border.
  • Social Security must be maintained and secured without raising the retirement age and/or reducing benefits.

I will soon announce On-line live and on-site town-halls discussing each of these issues. Check to times and events.