Women’s Health affects everyone

By A. John Peters | August 13, 2024

I support Eathan’s Law

By A. John Peters | August 13, 2024

My brother in-law shot my wife with an unsecured gun when they were children. This could have been fatal.  This bill establishes a framework to regulate the storage of firearms…

AJ (John) Peters Video on Agriculture

By A. John Peters | June 26, 2024

Agriculture is what drive our economy in CD 7

AJ (John) Peters Speech at the DFL Convention in Duluth MN

By A. John Peters | June 26, 2024

Thank yor the support from so many people. Convention Speech

AJ (John) Peters CD 7 Acceptance Speech

By A. John Peters | June 26, 2024

My accetance speech in Moorhead MN

Proposed Immigration Law

By A. John Peters | May 21, 2024

Title and Preamble Title: Immigration Reform Act of 2024 Preamble: “An act to reform and modernize the immigration system of the United States, ensuring a fair, efficient, and secure process…


By A. John Peters | May 21, 2024

My policies are because USA has a worker shortage, and we need to have immigrants to help all of us in the future. Addressing immigration issues requires a multifaceted approach,…

Equity and Justice

By A. John Peters | April 24, 2024

Improving racial equity and justice requires a multifaceted approach that addresses systemic issues, promotes inclusion, and fosters understanding and empathy across communities. Here are some strategies: Education and Awareness: Promote…

Introduction Video

By A. John Peters | April 24, 2024

This is the first of my video that describes 6 topics that I feel are important.Initially I will be covering Agriculture Workforce and Senior Housing Health Mental Health Women’s Health…